New website

At the moment working on a new website, very excited!

When everything is done, the website will be my online portfolio and this blog will actually turn into a blog/ my online library and collection of inspiration.

Here a preview, still a lot to do and change.



In good company

This nice book just arrived in my mail. Very happy and proud to be featured in this beautiful book designed by Rob van Hoesel for the Textilemuseum in Tilburg. Most of my work was produced there.


Daily Pattern at TEDxFlanders

Last week I had a expo of my Daily Pattern Project at TedxFlanders in the Royal Atheneum in Antwerp. Here some pictures from my show in the gymnasium of this school once founded by Napoleon. Check out the talks at TedxFlanders – I missed most of them, unfortunately, but the one with van Bendegem is a gem.


Oatmeal studio

It has been a bit quiet around here.

The last months have been quite busy, making other projects and starting up a company with a friend.

Oatmeal studio is run by Rosa Dalle Vedove and me, we do allround styling  projects.
At the moment working hard to get our website up and running. Until then find us on Facebook

Here are some pictures of one of our projects- a hanging garden at the restaurant of the Filmhuis in Den Haag Netherlands.  We even got a honorable mention in De Groene Amsterdammer – specially mention our hanging garden – we couldn’t be more happy!



Daily Pattern Project

For the Daily Pattern project, I printed a newspaper, you can download the presentation here.


Political Party CMYK



pattern based on front page news from different newspapers,
using oogle to determine of a word is considered positive or negative,
then turned in to different colored blocks.
the darker the color the more negative score.

52 weeks

data from one year (2009) of the mayor stock markets in the world transformed into a waffle weave fabric

some other stuff

foto Nadine Stijns

some different leggings I made.  still possible to order  – just send me a mail.

pixel party