Colour of the day

early sketch- color of the day = the color you get if you mix all pictures in a newspaper edited down to one pixel


Last summer I was invited to do a tabletop presentation at Stroom.

I was presenting some sketches and a carpet I made for the project “the Daily Pattern”

I’m working on it

The Daily Pattern

The daily pattern is a research project to explore the possibilities of content-based textile design in which the daily news is used as the inspiration and content of resulting patterns.

Too often textile design is approached from a purely aesthetic perspective where the final result is based on stylistic, rather than conceptual choices. I want to design textiles that serve not only a stylistic, but also a communicative function, in which the resulting form is a direct product of the content itself.

We live in a media-saturated world in which information is constantly changing.
This project is an exploration of the possibilities of textile design as a medium for the visualization and clarification of this media landscape.

this project was kindly supported by